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USANA アスリート: 韓国での試合に向けて知るべき5つアスリート
| 2018-01-20
For English
New Price List/新しい価格表
In 2018, following changes will be implemented in Japan market. Please kindly make a note and share with your team members.
New Price & Volume adjustment effective January 27, 2018
Along with continued cost increase on raw materials and shipping, USANA globally adjusts price every January.
In 2018, most products in Japan will be adjusted by reducing volume, except HealthPak. Only price increase will be implemented on Healthpak. There are no price & volume adjustment on Magnecal D and Nutrimeal.
New Price List
Rev3 Discontinuation effective March 2018 (Until supply lasts)
Unfortunately Rev3 is a low demand product and does not meet the quantity for re-ordering in Japan. For Rev3 users on Auto Order, Japan office will contact them individually.

CELAVIVE Official Launch & CELAVIVE Bonus effective February 3, 2018
New skincare line; CELAVIVE powered by InCelligence Technology will be launched with CELAVIVE Bonus.
25% of CELAVIVE products purchased by your personally sponsored Preferred Customer's initial order will be paid directly to you. Instead, there is no volume rollup, but CELAVIVE volume will be rolled up from the 2nd CELAVIVE purchase.
New Price List
Quick 5 Facts of Fun
1.) More than 200 USANA-sponsored athletes will compete in Korea including USANA Brand Ambassadors Devin Logan, Alex Ferreira, Bryan Fletcher, Taylor Fletcher, Meaghan Mikkelson, Natalie Spooner, Chris Mazdzer, Matt Antoine, Brittany Bowe and Ivanie Blondin. Give them a follow!
100 U.S. Ski and Snowboard
21 US. Speedskating
12 USA Nordic
10 USA Luge
29 Speed Skating Canada
10 Biathlon Canada
11 Cross Country Canada
5 Great Britain Short Track Speed Skating