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USANA News Letter - JuneEnglish
| 2016-06-08

Protect and Strengthen Your Eyes with Visionex
As we age, the world can take a toll on your eyes daily. Between air pollution, dryness and oxidative damage from the sun, your eyes can take a beating without you even knowing it. Common activities such as staring at a smart phone or computer screen all day or not wearing proper UV protective glasses can put a strain on your eyes which may lead to deteriorating effects.
To combat these effects, it’s recommended to give your eyes the proper supplemental nutrients to fight those free-radicals. Eyes are organs, just like your kidney or liver. And just like other organs in your body, they can benefit from formulated nutritional supplements.*
The best way to understand how we can support proper long-term eye health is to understand how our eyes work. As light passes through our cornea, pupil and then lens, it lands on the back of the eye on the retina. The retina then translates the light into electrical signals to be processed by the brain.

In the center of the retina is the macula which contains a yellow pigment that absorbs excessive blue and ultraviolet light. Acting as built-in “sunglasses,” the macula’s yellow pigment protects the retina with the antioxidant carotenoids, lutein.
In nature, lutein protect plants by absorbing dangerous UV rays from the sun.
And of course, lutein can be found in USANA's Visionex!
In addition to being formulated with lutein, Visionex has bilberry extract, vitamin C and zinc to maintain healthy capillaries, provide additional antioxidant protection and promote visual acuity.
Remember at USANA, we always have an eye out for you. Give your eyes the nutritional protection they need to stay focused and fight off normal environmental factors with USANA Visionex.
*This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Copied and edited from (published 01/13/2016).