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Annual Price AdjustmentEnglish
| 2015-12-28
Annual Price Adjustments Coming in January
As you well understood, to manufacture the highest quality of product, USANA always choose the highest quality of raw materials which meet our strict criteria.
Unexpectedly raw materials price changes are continual from time to time, but we review and adjust prices at the beginning of every year to give your business the stability it needs.
So it is the Time for 2016 Price Adjustments.
Year 2016 adjustments will be effective January 30th. Updated price lists will be provided ahead of time so you can identify the adjustment. Please notify your teammates and customers of the upcoming pricing adjustments.
New Price List Effective January 30th 2016.
1, Both Price and Point adjustment only on Active Calcium (Item#120)
2, No change on 2 products; CoQuinone30 (item#123) and ProflavanolC100(item#110)

All Auto Order Users
All Auto Orders to be processed from January 30 will be adjusted accordingly.
If you would like to make changes, please contact our Customer Service or change online by Friday prior to your Auto Order Cycle Week.
Prices may change, but our commitment to you never waivers. Everything we do is focused on empowering you to find health and happiness—and share it with the world.